Beverly Washburn's Hollywood history brought her into contact with many legends, and Monster Bash brought her into contact with Monster Kid Radio! Comic Book Central's Joe Stuber set up the interview, and together Joe and Derek ask Beverly about her experience with Mole Men, Captain Kirk, and a really messed up family led by Lon Chaney, Jr. Beverly was a great guest, and we thank her for spending some time with us at Monster Bash. After the interview, Derek opens up the floor for a discussion about a particular piece of news that has the potential to break the internet . . . or at least, a few message boards.
Voicemail: 503-479-5MKR (503-479-5657)
(.mp3s of every episode of Monster Kid Radio is available for download at our barebones behind-the-scenes website at
Comic Book Central -
Monster Bash -
Beverly Washburn -
The opening and closing song "Where's Captain Kirk?" (from the album In the 25th Century) appears by permission of The Nick Atoms -

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Monster Kid Radio is a registered service mark of Monster Kid Radio LLC.
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