The early 1930s laid the groundwork for monster moviedom. Vampires, mad scientists, patchwork monsters . . . and mummies. 1932's The Mummy (dir. Karl Freund) put Boris Karloff in the bandages for a movie whose influence can still be felt today. Author Stephen D. Sullivan joins Derek this week on Monster Kid Radio to talk about this seminal film. Also, we have some listener feedback. And don't forget - it's RONDO SEASON!
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Cushing Horrors -
Hail to the King: 60 Years of Destruction -
The opening and closing song "Sand Dune" (Freshwater Freakout) appears by permission of Thee Sturgeons -
All original content of Monster Kid Radio by Monster Kid Radio LLC is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Monster Kid Radio is a registered service mark of Monster Kid Radio LLC.
Next week on Monster Kid Radio:
Artist Tadd Galusha and The Phantom from 10,000 Leagues (dir. Dan Milner)